Matto Mildenberger

Matto Mildenberger lecturing close up
Associate Professor

Office Hours

9:30- 11AM

Office Location

Ellison 3706


Comparative Politics, Environmental Politics, Public Opinion, Methodology

Ph.D., Yale University, 2015


Matto Mildenberger is Assistant Professor of Political Science. His research explores the political drivers of policy inaction in the face of serious social and economic threats posed by global climate change. Straddling comparative political economy and political behavior, Mildenberger's work focusses on comparative climate policymaking and the dynamics of US climate opinion. His current book project compares the politics of carbon pricing across advanced economies, with a focus on the history of climate reforms in Australia, Norway and the United States. Other ongoing work explores public environmental behaviors, political ideology, and the relationship between economic and environmental policy preferences. A previous book, Dependent America? How Mexico and Canada Construct US Power (Toronto 2011, with Stephen Clarkson), explored the political economy of North American trade and security relationships.


Select Publications

“Legislative staff and representation in Congress” (with Leah Stokes and Alexander Hertel-Fernandez). American Political Science Review, 2018.

“Beliefs about climate beliefs: The problem of second-order opinions in climate policymaking" (with Dustin Tingley). British Journal of Political Science, 2017.

“The spatial distribution of Republican and Democratic climate and energy beliefs at state and local scales” (with Peter Howe, Jennifer Marlon and Anthony Leiserowitz). Climatic Change, 2017.

"Geographic variation in US climate change opinion at state and local scales" (with Peter Howe, Jennifer Marlon, and Anthony Leiserowitz). Nature Climate Change, 2015.
Dependent America? How Canada and Mexico Construct and Constrain US Power (with Stephen Clarkson). University of Toronto Press, 2011.